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Wanna taste of my readings before buying? Then try my Sample 3 Card Reading. This a simple 3-Card Spread + a BONUS Oracle Card. Just tell me the topic of your reading and I will do a mini reading for you. This could be love, career, or general. I will then send you a PDF reading by email.

NOTE: This is just a sample. I will not go as in-depth as would with a full reading. Also, these may take longer than other readings. If you want a quicker or more depth answer; please look at my other options. 

Email - FREE

Sample 3 Card Reading

One Question
Free Sample


Allow my cards to help you gain clarity and guidance

One Question Reading

$1o - 15 USD

 *Prices will vary by time or rush orders.  Also, no refunds will be provided. I charge for my time. If you are not satisfied with a reading I will do extra work without charge. PDFs take 5-7 days.

Do you have that one thing that you cannot get out of your head? Try this One Question Reading. All you have to do is send me one question in your message and I will choose the perfect spread to look into your situation. These will be at least 8 card Spreads along with Clarifiers and Oracle Cards. I will spend an in-depth PDF of your reading with advice from my guides. I will explore all the angles of your questions.


NOTE: I use tarot as an intuitive tool to read the energies of your situation. Remember you have free will and have the ultimate control of the outcome. Also, I cannot control Divine Timing. Tarot cannot guarantee when something will happen. I use tarot as a way to guide people to their best potential. I can read the energies of your situation, but I cannot change destiny. I can help you become the best you. 

General Life Reading

General Life Reading

$15 - 20 USD

This is a great reading to check up on multiple areas of life. If have more than one question or want a full energy check-up, than this is the reading for you. Popular choices for this reading is Love/Career Spreads or Full Energy (Water, Air, Earth, and Fire) Spread. Also, some people just want a General Overview Spread. Just let me know what you are for in your message and I will pick the perfect spread for you. These are larger spreads with clarifiers and oracles.


NOTE: I use tarot as an intuitive tool to read the energies of your situation. Remember you have free will and have the ultimate control of the outcome. Also, I cannot control Divine Timing. Tarot cannot guarantee when something will happen. I use tarot as a way to guide people to their best potential. I can read the energies of your situation, but I cannot change destiny. I can help you become the best you. 

Full Relationship

Full Relationship Reading

$40 - 50 USD

This one is for the lovers of the world. These can be romantic, family, co-workers, or friendships. If you have a relationship that is confusing, this reading can help you. Of course it helps for Soulmates and Twin Flames as well. This reading constist of full You vs Them type spreads. Also, I use clarifiers and oracles to bring in full meaning. These can take me at least an hour to complete, not including typing out a PDF. So, rush ordering an email reading will have a $10 extra charge, instead of my regular $5. If you want a faster response, I highly encourage you to look at my recorded or live video readings. 


NOTE: I use tarot as an intuitive tool to read the energies of your situation. Remember you have free will and have the ultimate control of the outcome. Also, I cannot control Divine Timing. Tarot cannot guarantee when something will happen. I use tarot as a way to guide people to their best potential. I can read the energies of your situation, but I cannot change destiny. I can help you become the best you. 


Live Videos

Live or Recorded Video Chat!

Prices Will Vary by Length
About $0.50 USD per Minute

These readings can be any of the above choices. You can book in 30 min intervals. My price is generally $0.50 a minute. The price is the same for live or recorded video. Please, look at my work times before booking. I am one person with limited time. If you cannot find a time for you email me and we will figure out a time. The recorded videos will be private on YouTube where only YOU have the link and access to. 


NOTE: You will not receive a PDF of the reading. I also will not cut you off if we run out of time. However, you may be charged extra.

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